Lord Roland Watson Beldon Maxwell VIII aka Jr.
Not just A big rabbit, but THE big rabbit. Here at The Bunny Hutch we are proud that our boss is quiet, well mannered and covered in fur. “Junior”, to all of his friends, is the son of King Darius, the Guinness World Records Largest Bunny. Junior was donated to The Bunny Hutch’s Founder, Max, when he was 12 weeks old. Junior is a Continental Giant rabbit and well on his way to becoming the biggest rabbit the US has ever seen!

Dr. Angela Maxwell aka “Max”
Founder and CEO
Max has spent a life in service to others. Her eclectic Curriculum Vitae with degrees from University of Brighton-MBBS, California Polytechnic State University- San Luis Obispo, Austin Peay State University, Center for Excellence in Field Biology and the United States Medical Academy of Health Sciences has created a Dr. Doolittle of sorts. Life choices of Army (USA) to Armadillos, Education to Elephants and Pathology to Porcupines raised “Max” to cherish every living creature, from big to small, Madagascar Hissing Cockroach to African Elephant. Check out her “Fearless Friday” posts on Facebook to get a glimpse of what it takes to create a unique concept like CLIMATES-Rescue and The Bunny Hutch.

Sonya Marker
With a Master of Science in Wildlife Biology, Sonya has been a professional in the field for over five years and a reptile enthusiast, owner and educator for almost 15 years. She’s involved in several regional conservation efforts and regularly volunteers her time for citizen science projects. Her expertise is in long-term animal health and husbandry, specifically with large lizards and tortoises. She’s also an insect aficionado, avid gardener, and loves to hike with her husband and 2 pit bulls. “Like Us” on Facebook to follow her on Wednesday’s; “Happy Herp Hump Day”.
Fitz Cherry
Animal Acquisitions Manager
Fitz Cherry, our Animal Acquisitions Manager, has a strong background in education, working with both the Virginia Zoo and Norfolk Botanical Garden. He is a seasoned veteran of summer camps and education programs and has mastered the perfect birthday party. Along with over 8 years of professional experience in zoological education, Fitz has thousands of hours of experience with private sector care of birds, reptiles (including endangered spider tortoises), and mammals. He uses this experience to expand The Bunny Hutch’s education collection. Make sure to follow him every Saturday with his Facebook “Lazy Lizard Day.”
Other Board Members, Interns, Volunteers, and Alumni:
- Michelle Grubb
- Allison Boyer
- Leslie Hackney
- Shawn Nguyen
- The Baker Family
- The Cowan Family
- The Morton Family
- The Berrios Family
- Dakota Puentes
- Jeffery Hewitt
- Joe Grigolite
- Becca Oliphant
- The Brown Family
- Erin Schofer
- Joseph Gudvka
- John Worster
- Kelly Hurlbut
- Candyce Croom
- Jessica Dane
- James Kerr
- Victor Melendez II
- Philip Blevins
- Grace Martins
- Jamila Braxton
- Kat Delisle
- Hannah Halleck-Pinkelton
- Emmalhee Foote
- Sabrina Dunlap
- Selena Cruz
- Ashley Kale
- Jennifer Wells
- Janine Kafouros-Bartling
- Patrick Dawes
- Josh Marker
- Matt David
- The Moore Family
- The Robinson Family
- The Walker Family
- Arissa Guerrero
- Cynthia Moore
- Sarah Moore
- Kelsey Speakman
- Katelyn Gudvka